Thursday, October 17, 2019

Analysis of L'oreal advertisement campaign Assignment

Analysis of L'oreal advertisement campaign - Assignment Example The primary target market of L’Oreal products is the females all over the world who wants to look good and beautiful. The company offers several product ranges and communicate the same message through all mediums. In reference to the analysis of the advertisements, recent advertisement campaign of the ‘Elvive’ staring Cheryl Cole. For this purpose different print advertisements along with the storyboard or screenshots of the television advertisements have been explored and investigated on the criteria of different consumer behaviour models and theories. ANALAYSIS OF THE ADVERTISEMENT OF L’OREAL: L’Oreal has been using the same method or technique of attracting customers through all their advertisements. Company has Most of the common methods used by the company for promoting their brands to the target market are: 1. celebrity endorsement 2. creating beauty appeal 3. communicating benefit 4. supporting this benefit with a scientific claim 5. iconograp hy Celebrity Endorsement: Celebrity endorsement is used by the company in order to directly influence the purchase decision making process of the customers. It is a general perception that consumers tend to believe the message conveyed through some popular or famous personality. This technique is used by L’Oreal in order to effect the phase of evaluating different alternatives and making the final decision. Celebrity Endorsement is used by the company as a surrogate indicator. Surrogate indicator is one which is used by the consumers in order to analyse and interpret the level of quality of the product (Neal, Quester, & Hawkins, 2004). Creating Beauty Appeal: Being a cosmetic company and dealing beauty related products, L’Oreal has always focused on creating a... This "Analysis of L'oreal advertisement campaign" essay outlines L'oreal's primary target market and its technique of attracting customers. Celebrity endorsement is used by the company in order to directly influence the purchase decision making process of the customers. It is a general perception that consumers tend to believe the message conveyed through some popular or famous personality. This technique is used by L’Oreal in order to effect the phase of evaluating different alternatives and making the final decision. Celebrity Endorsement is used by the company as a surrogate indicator. Surrogate indicator is one which is used by the consumers in order to analyse and interpret the level of quality of the product . Being a cosmetic company and dealing beauty related products, L’Oreal has always focused on creating a beauty appeal in all its advertisements. Advertisements of the company are based on the perception that the products offered by L’Oreal can make the person beautiful like the celebrity in the advertisement. In this way L’Oreal tries to cater to the social needs of the consumers including the need of belongingness. L’Oreal is aware of the fact that one of the most important elements of a successful advertisements is that it communicates the benefit to the target consumers. In this way the company is able to create positive perception in the mind of the consumers about the product being advertised. L’Oreal advertisements communicate the promises about the benefits and attributes which are important for the customers.

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