Sunday, June 7, 2020

Expository Writing Examples

Expository Writing Examples Expository Writing Expository writing is writing that has a purpose of explaining, informing, or describing. In other words, expository writing is about providing information to the reader about a particular topic or subject. The purpose of expository writing differs from creative writing or persuasive writing. The purpose is merely to inform-to provide information. Examples of Expository Writing: This morning at 9am, a school bus collided with a car at the intersection of Jones and Heard streets. There were no injuries on the school bus, but medical personnel performed checks on each student and the driver before those students were transported to their schools. The driver of the car sustained slight, non-life-threatening injuries. He was transported to the local hospital. The accident is still under investigation at this time. Advances in science and technology have made the use of "green" energy possible. In places where climate conditions permit, people are able to use solar energy or wind energy for power. Solar energy is the use of sunlight for energy and power. Humans are able to harness the energy of the sun by installing solar panels on their homes or businesses. Humans have also found ways to harness the power of the wind by using wind turbines to capture wind energy. Both of these forms of "green" energy are being used more and more. The school science fair was a success again this year! We had 15 teams participating, and they all had amazing projects. Each team consisted of two students who designed a science experiment to test a hypothesis, created a display of their experiment and results, and presented their display to the judges. The winners this year are Sarah Jones and Mark Gordon, who hypothesized that students get into less trouble in the classroom on days when it is sunny outside. The judges were very impressed with their data collection methods, which included asking teachers to share information on how many students earned stars at the end of each day. They correlated this information with their own data about the weather-sunny, cloudy, or rainy.