Saturday, June 8, 2019

Self-confidence Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Self-confidence - Essay ExampleSelf-feelings may be either diligent or passive. On the one hand, one may have a feeling or attitude of egotism-assertion, of confidence, of being in control of the situation, of directing oneself frontward in a purposeful activity. On the other hand, one may have the feeling of being the victim of circumstances, of being helpless and dependent, and of having things happen to ones self over which one does not have much control. Normal living is a combination of these dual feelings of self-direction and helplessness.For this student who is transferred from a self contained shed light on for emotionally disturbed children needs some time to get settled in a class of normal students. This change in the beginning would meat his self confidence as in the new class there would be good interaction between students. Secondly these students would be sharper and sometimes more intelligent from the students in the previous class.The methods I will use are the Self Esteem Therapies in which I will try to construe out how the students self-esteem was destroyed and what were the factors present which refrained him to develop his socialization process. After getting this integral information I will try to curb vanquish all these factors affecting his self-confidence building.

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